College life has been fair enough. But life's really tough that obstacles would really hinder me from achieving my dreams which I have been trying to achieve for a long time. Setting aside these hindrances, I can proudly say that I've never loved a part of my life more than the experiences I had in College. It's more than my elementary years. And even greater than my High school days. It is life itself. No, what I mean is, it really consists of the stepping stones to what real life is. It is more than the childish years, more than the adolescent fears, more than my younger years. I don't know what exactly I am pointing out, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I had the change I needed and longed for. I had the turning point of my life, and now I'm struggling to survive and cope for the greater changes it has prepared.
And now, I'm no longer a girl, but not yet a woman. As quoted from one of Britney's songs. Being 18 isn't really so much of a big deal for me. But I feel like it's the point of my life where I shall prove something. Where I shall show them that people can't tell me what to believe in, and what to fight for. Because I'm no longer that girl who relies fully on what they would say to me, on what they would instruct me to do. I am no longer that girl who would believe in everything they'd be telling me. I am now that young lady who tries to find herself in this world filled with uncertainties. I am that young lady who wants to achieve something she deserves to have. That young lady who has her heart broken so many times before, and now she's needing that young man who would never let her become that wasted again. But I am not yet that woman who could do everything on her own. I still need the guidance from the people who care, who GENUINELY care. Hypocrites are out of my life. So if you are one, back off.
Writing has been my passion for years, and I've taken a long rest for that thing that I loved the most. My chosen career has hindered me from being in touch with my first love. FIRST REAL LOVE. I may not be the best writer who speaks with those words most appealing to every reader, but that doesn't measure one's passion for writing. Mine's being determined by my heart's desire, that which I have been hiding for a long time.
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